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Cello Project at Rev Hall January 26th, 2019

Portland Cello Project with the PDX Soul Collective

Featuring Tyrone Hendrix, Moorea Masa, Michelangela, Ronnie Wright, and Jarrod Lawson.

Where: Revolution Hall

When: Friday, January 26, 2019 | Doors 7pm, Show 8pm

Details/Cost: $20 adv | $22 doors

Tickets Available Here!

Website: Portland Cello Project:


January 26th at Revolution Hall presents a new artistic direction for the constantly evolving Portland Cello Project. The show features some of Portland’s best up-and-coming soul singers, composers and arrangers (Moorea Masa, Ronnie Wright, Michal Angela, and Jarrod Lawson), in collaborations that push the classically-trained cellists of PCP outside of their comfort zones in all the best ways.

The concept for the show is co-curated by Douglas Jenkins (PCP Artistic Director) and Tyrone Hendrix (PrinceStevie Wonder, Liv Warfield), and was developed over a month-long tour in which, Cello Project convinced Tyrone to sing Radiohead tunes (much to the audience's delight), and Tyrone surprised the cellists by throwing improvisational curveballs at them every night, from silent drum solos (seriously) to special guests (like Adrian Crutchfield of Prince's NPG Hornz) jumping on stage with them with no rehearsal. 

The group is honored to be bringing this inspired show home for one special night at Revolution Hall, January 26th, 2019.   

Video Assets:

The full ensemble is going into Hallowed Halls here in Portland on 12/18 to sit down live and record and do some video for this show (it's such a new, still-evolving collaboration that we're otherwise limited to Instagram video and that sort of thing).

If any press would like to attend this live session 12/18, just let us know through Angie Carlson. Will be mid morning to early afternoon.

Here's from the sidestage in Charlotte, NC... Tyrone singing "No Surprises":

And since the spirit of Prince is so much a part of this show, here's Nafisaria Scroggins-Thomas singing "How Come U Don't Call Me Anymore" with us:


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